With my art I have been on a constantly evolving journey. As long as I can remember I have been exploring faces, shapes, colors, looks, materials and tools. I love the fact that new patterns, new effects and new expressions keeps on manifesting and appearing in front of me every day.   

When I was very young I quickly began doodling. Here I aimed for realism. Drawing animals, landscapes and the people around me. I think the fact that I felt I kept evolving, kept learning new aspects of the stroke, and most of all kept improving my skills, felt rewarding. I feel that almost from infancy I have been aware that I wanted and needed to be an artist. I know that through painting and drawing I am best able to express my thoughts and my feelings.  

I love the fact that I am doing what I like, and also that I am so privileged that I can live off my passion. But what I have lately come to be most fond of is the journey I find that I am constantly on with and through art. What was important as I was very young I still feel myself occupied with – only at a deeper level. And what I was fascinated by some years ago I now find myself returning to, only from a new and different perspective. Also, I find myself – maybe like in my childhood – becoming ever more aware of the fact that I am a perfectionist, always striving to improve, realizing and accepting that quality manifests through effort and time.

The journey is to me never-ending and keeps revealing new and fascinating aspects not only of art – but maybe of life!